Vintage.Pristine is an online vintage shop founded by two sisters, Priscilla and Christine, who admire the concept of vintage. The name displays our common aspiration to promote and share authentic vintage with vintage-enthusiasts.
Christine Young is a vintage-enthusiast currently studying at Polimoda Firenze, a famous fashion academy in Italy. Italy is celebrated for its stupendous treasure. Vintage.Pristine is a precious platform to share with Hong Kong fashion-lovers the gorgeous vintage she discovered in Italy.
Priscilla Young is also a vintage-lover. The lack of knowledge and genuine products of vintage in Hong Kong inspired her to cooperate with her sister to promote vintage in Hong Kong. She hopes other Hongkongers can also relish the possession of real vintage products through Vintage.Pristine.
What is Vintage?
VINTAGE is an attribute that defines quality and value of an object produced at least twenty years before. VINTAGE objects are often considered cult objects for their credible better quality as well as the particular culture and costume they represent.
The conscious charm of VINTAGE stems from the concept of POSSESSION. The possession of a vintage product means also the embodiment of previous possessions by other owners and even the experience of past eras. Our Mission
In Hong Kong, many titled themselves vintage shops. Sadly, only a few are selling the AUTHENTIC VINTAGE, most are just selling "Reproduction", "Repro Nova" or "Repro De Luxe".
With our mission to share the AUTHENTIC VINTAGE with dreamers of Arcadia, we guarantee to provide you with quality products with at least 20 years of age, so that vintage-enthusiasts will have the true experience of VINTAGE POSSESSION.
With our mission to share the AUTHENTIC VINTAGE with dreamers of Arcadia, we guarantee to provide you with quality products with at least 20 years of age, so that vintage-enthusiasts will have the true experience of VINTAGE POSSESSION.